
Taking the Mystery Out of SCR (selective catalytic reduction)

ConsuLab EC-490 Aftertreatment Video

6.7L Ford OBD Operation Summary  this is a .pdf document 207 pages long – focus on pages 8 – 13

Technical details on: Diesel exhaust fluid

When DEF is Death – a realistic article on repairs after DEF is added to the diesel fuel tank – Repairing a DEF Contaminated Fuel System

Atmospheric Gas Proportions – What are the constituent gasses in our atmosphere? Why does it matter?

DPF Regeneration Flir Recording 1 – EM-140D-FD01 – at Bellingham Technical College

DPF Regeneration Flir Recording 2

Wrenchn’ Up Video at Vision 

Miscellaneous DEF TSB’s:

Cummins TSB140093 Recommended Practices if Contamination is Found in the Air Supplied Selective Catalytic Reduction Dosing Unit System Leading to FC1682 or FC3548

Cummins 4021566 Exhaust Fluid (DEF) Specifications for Cummins® Selective CatalyticReduction (SCR) Systems

Cummins TSB150002 Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) Cleanliness

Cummnis TSB110168 High Efficiency DEF Tank Filter Available

Volvo Tips for Avoiding Common Problems with Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF)

Team Based Learning Links

What is TBL? A quick guide

Team-Based Learning at the University of Texas

The Essential Elemants of Team-Based Learning Copyright Wiley Periodicals

Flipping Your Class With TBL – Jim Sibley UBC

Immediate Feedback Assessment Technique, (“IF-AT”)

A Broad Overview of TBL – Courtesy Vancouver Island University June 2017

  • The Four Essential Elements of Team-Based Learning
    • 1. Properly Formed and Managed Teams
    • 2. Student Accountability for Individual and Group Work
    • 3. Fewquent Immediate Student Feedback
    • 4. Assignments That Promote Both Learning and Team Development
  • Implementing Team-Based Learning
    • Before Class Begins
  • The First Day of Class
  • Each Major Unit of Instruction
  • Near the End of the Course
  • Encouraging the Development of Positive Team Norms
  • Benefits of Team Based Learning

3 Hour Workshop Facilitators Guide – Jim Sibley UBC

Lighting Systems Module

Mulhouse, France
14 December 2017

Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.

George Santanya

On Learning

To be prepared for the future we need to understand the past. Often have I heard over the years that those who fail to learn the lessons of history shall be doomed to repeat them. Progress, far from consisting in change alone, depends on retentiveness of history. Knowing and studying the past gives us insight into the future. Well, at least a bit.

I have spent a great deal of energy learning about the past, while repeating a few failures along the way, as I continue to learn new technologies. This is also true with the challenges that our students face in the workplace today as they learn new vehicle systems. One particular challenge is the lack of the understanding of past technologies that we, as older learners, take for granted that our younger students intrinsically know. This body of knowledge is likely missing from what the student knows. We may think that they know because, well everybody knows? Right? No, wrong.

Lev Vigotsky labeled this as the Zone of Proximal Development. I personally equate this with not knowing what you don’t know. As a teacher reflect back on how much you learned about a subject that you thought you already knew; only to find out that your actual command of the subject was shallow. How many of you changed the method you used to teach a subject once you learned more about it? Once you gain a little knowledge you then work to learn more because you realize that you really didn’t have the knowledge that you thought you did.

With this in mind, is it wrong to tell students up front that while you might have a knowledgeable background on a particular subject that new things have come to your attention, and that as a class we’re going to learn those together? Suggest that you are going to model and discuss your own learning as we all travel along this path of learning. Consider it story boarding your learning.

Students have often come back to me after the term and commented about how empowering this was for their learning; baring and modeling your own learning makes this possible. It’s not easy as instructor to give up the sage on the stage status, but I can tell you that it is a powerful thing to do. Believe me when I say that it is not easy at first, but oh so empowering once you begin.

Today I visited the Schlumpf Collection at the Cité de l’Automobile in Mulhouse, France. This is a collection of over 500 cars, from 98 different manufacturers. The beginnings of automotive technology, since before 1900 are under one roof. This includes mainly European marquee’s with most no longer in existence.

As a learner some things caught my eye in Mulhouse and I’ve given myself some time to reflect back on this. Specifically, cool and hot. Not “cool” as in, ‘cool dude’, or that’s ‘hot man’, but in the literal sense of hot and cold.

Sure the early cars were cool. But most of them were truly cool because the builder was only interested in keeping the engine cool. With varying degrees of success.

It was interesting to me to note all of the different iterations of engine cooling systems that formed over the years in the automotive industry. Much of the theoretical physical properties of thermal dynamics were formed well before the automobile was developed, but the application of those properties evolved over time. And you can see this easily in a museum like the Schlumpf Collection or any other automobile museum.

Much effort has been given to cool the internal combustion engine in the past 120 years or so. But then there are our own creature comforts to be accounted for now as well. Have you ever ridden in a car that’s too hot or cold inside? In our grand parents, or great grandparents day, you sucked it up. You cleaned the fog (or ice!) off of the inside of the window and in the summer you sweltered under the heat. If you were lucky you may have had a “swamp cooler”. Personal comfort was achieved often by adding or removing clothing, with obvious limitations.

So, where am I going with this reflection? How do we tie in our learning, and our senses, and not repeat some of the failed lessons of our past teaching?

This is where I appreciate Vigotsky’s work with proximal learning and the realization that our learning is a construct of previous learning. How our minds piece this all together is different for every one of us. So, the question is, how can we improve and enhance on our learning to build out our proximal zone?

One step to achieving this is to use what we already have. In our personal learning bag most of us have our five senses. All of us are different and we use these senses differently. But we all use most of them, of course there are some of us that do not have a particular sense. But those folks have usually developed strategies to accommodate, both as instructors and students. But we’re all still learners. Wouldn’t it be advantageous for our learners to utilize as many of their senses as possible while learning?

At ConsuLab we develop training aids to address as many of our senses as possible. An example would be the HV-101 Automatic, heating and air-conditioning trainer. This unit blows both hot and cold air (touch and feel), is equipped with visual windows into various components of the system so that the student can see into the ducts and watch the blend doors operate and track those changes with thermometers. They can feel and hear the a/c compressor work under a load. Then, visually, there are glass tubes in the refrigerant flow lines to see the phase changes happening within the air-conditioning system.

With this unit we have thoughtfully incorporated three of our five senses into the trainer. We’re not sure how to add smell and taste, but we’re working on that. And we’re always open to your suggestions for improving our trainers. Be sure to stop by and talk to us as we travel to most of the major events around North America.

For further information reply here or contact our sales team at